Sunday, July 22, 2012

Personal: Calgary Stampede

The 100th Calgary Stampede has come and gone. We only spent one afternoon there and that was enough for me. We did some rides, saw some animals, ate some greasy food and made it home all before it started to rain. Were you there? What did you get to see or do? 

Happy Stampedin'

Travel: Downtown Portland

You'd never believe how scary downtown Portland can be. Okay, maybe you can if you have a fear of homeless people like I sometimes do. I have never seen so many people, scouring the streets, many of them intoxicated as I did the day Jeremy and I got lost driving through Portland. On our way home from engagement photos we couldn't figure out how to get to I-5. We somehow ended up in downtown amongst all the tall buildings. As long as I was looking up, everything was okay. I especially loved the sign we saw in our travels. Someday, during day light we will explore the safe streets on downtown more. It has so much to offer. 

Kids + Baby: Andrew & Ben

I love spending time with my cousins who live far away. My cousin Suzie lives all the way in Texas so I rarely get to see her but fortunately our paths crossed in Utah this summer. She has gorgeous kids, especially her youngest two. Ben is just hilarious. If you spend time with him, I promise your day will not be dull for a second. Andrew on the other hand, is just a heart throb. He is such a little flirt with his dark features and content as can be. I wish they lived closer so we could play all the time! Good work on making such cute little guys Suzie :)

Baby: Emily Jane

Baby Jane has had me wrapped around her chubby little cheeks from the moment we first met. I can't get enough of her. She is such a happy, squishy, fun baby to take pictures of and to play with. I could have easily taken photos of her all day when we were visiting her house in Utah. Next time I'm there, we will definitely doll her up a little more and take a more "formal" shoot. For now, you get the Emily Jane collection from the last time we got to hang out. She is adorable! 

Baby: Oakley

I seem to find cute babies everywhere I go lately. It's like the closer you get to being married, life shows you what comes next. I can't say I'll be ready for my own babies anytime soon but I'm enjoying all the cute faces I get to hang out with in the mean time. Baby Oakley will soon be a distant relative of mine and although he's a quiet, shy guy he's got those sweet blue eyes and blonde hair that just make you melt. I considered myself lucky to get a few pictures of him looking at me because usually he's pretty selective about who he makes friends with. I guess good weather makes everyone a little happier. I sure loved being outside on this particular afternoon!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nature: Bird Watching

Strange but true. I did some bird watching when I was visiting the Dunford home in Washington back in June. When I was a little girl, I loved bird watching with my grandparents {mom's side} and feeding the birds whenever I could. We used to hang lots of feeders and little homes in our yard but have since fallen short of doing that. When my grandparents passed away many years ago, we stopped being as diligent with the birds. On the other hand, the Dunfords are great at taking care of their local birds with birdhouses galore and little feeders all over their property. It's a bird paradise out there. For the first time in my life I saw a hummingbird up close and personal. I almost fell right out of the hammock when it appeared in front of me. I grabbed my camera as fast as I could and spent the next hour waiting for that hummingbird to come back my way. When it did, I snapped my camera like a mad-woman trying to get some good pictures of it. I love the humming noise and the way they zoom from flower to flower. It was such a neat experience. I would definitely recommend bird watching this summer. It's fun and if the weather is nice, you can get some sun. 

Personal: Calgary Temple Progress

You can practically see the Calgary temple from my house. It's so close. It's been neat to be an adult and see/remember the progress that has been going on for the last year that I've been here. It feels like ever since the Angel Moroni was placed atop, progress has been made extremely fast. After an activity one Monday night, a friend and I decided to enjoy the sunset and pretty skies while visiting the temple grounds. There is peace to be felt there even though it is not finished or dedicated {that's coming up soon though!} It is a beautiful, soon-to-be-sacred building I can't wait to spend time at. We are a blessed people to have it so nearby.